Solasia Energy Development has more than 25 years experience in research, manufacture energy saving product, especially in solar energy product development. Solasia got the ISO 14001 certification in 1998 and awarded Outstanding factory in pollution evaluation by Industrial Development Bureau under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. President Mr. Chang collects his research, development experience and results into papers. And he awarded honors on his contribution. He also coordinated the related industry company to found Taiwan Solar Energy Technology Development Association to popularize the solar energy utilization aggressively. Solasis has proved his capability with high technology, cost control, time to market in supporting to provide you the best quality service.
Solar energy can be used exhaustlessly but the cloudy day will impact the efficiency of solar heater. Heat pump is a very good alternate solution to replace the electric heater in large system.
The specification of the Solar water heater system can be manufactured by customer's request in size or material.
Applications:Large Dormitory, Industrial Process Heating, Large Sauna Bath, Warm Water Swimming Pool, Husbandry Vapor System

Solar Heating Panel
We provide you a high quality solar absorber using ultrasonic welding, vacuum sputtering coating technology to achieve high efficiency.

we accept any customized specification size with the following material:
1.Plate fin material: Aluminum or Copper with 0.3mm x 125mm x 2400mm or less
2.Pipe material: Aluminum, Copper or Stainless Steel with φ12.7mm x 2400mm

★Absorbing Efficiency
τ : 0.95±0.01
α : 0.06±0.01
Solar Heat Collector
Solasia 004    Technical Specification
Size 2000×1000×85mm FR(α τ) 0.76
Net weight 30.5kg FRUL 6.1
Cover glass Reinforced glass Back board Mag. Al Alloy/ SUS304
Frame material 6063-T5 Aluminum Alloy Working pressure 10kcm2
Heat insulation PU foam Flow range 0.5~1.5gpm
Absorber plate Copper pipe & Stainless steel pipe & Ultrasonic Welding
Inlet/outlet diameter 7/8"
Absorber coating Vacuum sputtering warranty ISO9000 / 10 year

Registration Number:85528 281413
Product Size:
Specified specification can be customized.

First Choice of Energy Saving

NO. 1029-5, Chung San Rd.,
Shankang Dist, Taichung City Taiwan
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