Water-to-Water Heat Pump
New high efficiency energy technology │ Water source heat pump for hot and cold water
Water-source heat pump utilize the heat from solar and terrestrial heat which are absorbed by earth surface water , sources includes underground water, river, lake and ocean. The water is kept in constant temperature for heat pump to use less energy to move the heat to tank to provide high COP(Coefficient Of Performance) work. It is a new energy recycling technology.
The above water-source can provide a stable heat resource whole year. Its temperature is higher than environment temperature in Winter and lower in Summer. It is an ideal source for heat pump to absorb heat or transpire the heat in hot or cold water generation.
The system is suitable for living, commercial, industry. For example warm water swimming pool, hotel, hospital, nursing home, school, central kitchen, industrial process heat, agriculture heat etc.
◎ The product can be customized according installation space restriction.
High Efficency、Clean、Environment Protection、Economic、Energy Saving new energy technology
CO2Refrigerant series: COP > 8.0、R134a series: COP > 5.1、R410a series: COP > 5.25
● Provide cool air conditioner and hot water generation.
● Provide both cold and hot water for thermostatic air conditioner.
● Bi-effect energy usage to provide both hot and cold water. Frozen water storage can be used for air conditioner and cold storage.
90℃ highest hot water heat pump equipment among this industry.
High temperature water can provide more heat to reduce the size of water storage to save space and cost.
Better efficiency than traditional heat pump for hot water generation in low temperature environment.

1.Heat pump water heater - from the atmosphere heat storage
The Earth atmosphere absorb solar heat and greenhouse effect make the atmosphere be a huge heat storage.
The Heat Pump transfers the heat from the air to heat the water. It employs the same principle of air-conditioner but it move thermal energy opposite the direction of spontaneous heat flow.
2.The cost comparison of the heater devices

PS:Solar energy can be used exhaustlessly but the cloudy day will impact the efficiency of solar heater. Heat pump is a very good alternate solution to replace the electric heater in large system.

3.Advantage of Heat Pump

(1)Safety:No fire, no carbon monoxid poisoning and no electric shock risk

(2)Energy saving and carbon dioxide reduction:Energy saving 30 to 70% than the other heater devices. More efficiency in reducing carbon dioxide production to reduce the greenhouse effect.

(3)Economic:Use less cost to produce the same amount of hot water.

4.Evaluation of carbon dioxide reduction
66% of Greenhouse effect is caused by CO2and 4/5 of the human making CO2 are produced in oil, coal usage. Many countries suggest to use heat pump to replace other heating device to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates 1.5 pound of CO2 can be reduced in 1 degree of electric power saving.
There are 22 billion tons of CO2 was produced according the statistics in 1997. 30% of CO2 was produced by living usage and 35% by industry. The estimated CO2 reduction will be:

◎30% of living usage replace by heat pump it will reduce 22 x 30% x 30% x 60%= 1.2 billion tons of CO2

◎10% of industry replace by heat pump it can reduce 22 x 35% x 10% x 60% = 0.5 billion tons of CO2

◎The total of CO2 .reduction will be 1.7 billion tons. It is 8% of the whole carbon dioxide emissions globally

First Choice of Energy Saving

NO. 1029-5, Chung San Rd.,
Shankang Dist, Taichung City Taiwan
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